Wednesday, April 15, 2009


My options for today were..A. Spend the day walking along a road trying to find a hitch south, or B. Stay another day at the backpackers and spend my day exploring the north. After realizing that I may not be up this far north for the remainder of my trip, I book the Cape Reinga, 90 mile beach tour. There was only ONE seat left on the bus and it was set to leave in a half an hour from outside the hostel. While I was waiting outside, another dude(Darren, UK) who was staying at the hostel came up and initiated conversation. We talked about what brought as to NZ and the tour we were about to embark on, etc. I asked him where he was going next after Kaitaia and he said he was heading south, I asked east or west coast and he said west! I asked if I could hitch to Kohukohu tomorrow and he said no problem.

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